Welcome to Woodstock Constructors!

We provide custom Safety Management programs, Construction and Safety personnel, as well as job site training for a variety of industries.

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for more information about our professional construction and safety management services.



Construction job sites are considered to be among some of the most treacherous work environments. Dealing with loud noises, heavy equipment, unprotected heights, and debris requires a thorough safety program. We can help.

Oil, Gas, & Pipeline

The petrochemical industry is a bustling sector with a variety of environmental and construction hazards that crews must fully comprehend in order to ensure everyone's safety and well-being. Read more.


Mining in Canada has occurred for over 350 years, but practises, regulations, and overall safety programs have grown exponentially since then. We can help keep your companies safety programs up-to-date.


Staying sharp on any job site is a must and we can help your business keep safe nomatter which industry you're in. Click here to learn more about our safety programs.


Manufacturing in Canada is diverse and continually expanding. It can be challenging to find the right professionals and engineers with the right experience and safety training. Learn More.


  • Dixie Norman, Safety Consultant, Safety Lifestyle Services LTD

    I like working for Woodstock Constructors because they have a variety of work depending on the season and they make sure that they match me up to the proper job that will suit me and the company. Each job I have taken has always been with excellent people and the work lasted longer than expected.